Hamed, Zeyad Ahmed

Cost estimation of a residential building and study of cost overrun in building construction projects : Senior design project submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Prince Mugrain in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering / by Zeyad Ahmed Hamed, ID. 35180028, Kamal Mohammad Saddiya, ID. 35180095, Ilyas Mohammad Nazeer, ID. 35280002; Project assessment board Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim Ismaeil, Assistance Associate Professor of Structures, Civil Engineering Dept Faculty of Engineering, Prince Mugrain University, Dr. Ahmed Kamal, Civil Engineering Dept Faculty of Engineering, Tiba University ; Project supervisor (s) Dr. Ibrahim Mahamid, Associate Professor of Structures, Civil Engineering Dept Faculty of Engineering, Prince Mugrain University, - 1 volume : illustrations ; 31 cm

Civil Engineering
